The Making of Destination music video
By Oscar “Oz” Riveros
As a musician, creating a music video is an exhilarating process. From start to finish, it is full of creative challenges and opportunities.So when I got together with another music lover, Rachel from Listen SD, we decided to do a contest on IG, and see who would win a free music Video, ListenSD posted on their Instagram and invited everyone to send in their bands, The Guest Room end up winning with the votes!
The Guest Room decided they wanted a music video for their song “Destination,” and we were excited to get started. We wanted the video to capture the essence of the song and transport viewers into another world.
As a producer and director, my first step was to come up with several scripts and let the band decide which direction they would like to take, then I moved forward with treatment and a storyboard of the video. We wanted to create something visually stunning, so they decided to set the video in space. The colors would be vibrant and ethereal, not of this earth, each band member would get their own planet.
Once we had the treatment nailed down, I decided that each planet would have its own producer, so they would have their own unique touch and creativity, that’s where Eveline Gonzalez, Rachel Frank, and myself, would go to work into each stage.
For the lead acting, the talented Carly Salway joined our production, and Adison Rice the lead singer from the Guest Room.
Carly’s makeup was done by the wonderful makeup artist Natalia LePina, who did an amazing job on Carly, with pearls on one side of her face and a long braided hair.
For wardrobe by the up-and-coming stylist Astrid Montalvo, set up Carly’s dress and supervised the general clothing.
Now was time to start shooting. We spent the full day of production in our studio using green screens and another stage at the beach, filming all of the footage for the music video. It was a long and challenging shoot, but it was also a lot of fun, it takes a village to create, thanks to the awesome Lead Wolf crew of Stephen Oak, Ivy C, and Courtney Murphy. Seeing everything come together, in the end, was immensely satisfying.
If you haven’t seen The Guest Room’s “Destination” music video yet, go check it out!
And if you’re ever in need of a music video, give us a call. We would love to work with you.